To Sail or not to Sail? – That is the question for Pilgrim. Not an easy decision! We now have the green light to resume sailing as long as its safe and within COVID Secure guidelines. Everyone is reeling from the recent events and as we emerge into a strange new “normal” we need to

Pilgrim’s 125th Anniversary – 4th June 2020 In these challenging times, we won’t be having a party today celebrating the 125th anniversary of Pilgrim’s launch. It was on 4th June 1895 that our beloved Pilgrim was slipped into Brixham Harbour at Upham’s Yard. Our Members, volunteers and all our supporters should take a moment though

While many of you have time on your hands we’d like to receive entries for our 125th Anniversary Pilgrim Poetry Competition. It’s simple – just write a little ditty about Pilgrim and post it on one of our social media feeds or you can email it to We will post any email entries on

Pilgrim has just completed her winter refit programme and we have invested more than £10,000 this winter to make her ready for our 125th anniversary year. She’s in really good shape and now suddenly we have had to face the global threat of the Coronavirus Pandemic. It is therefore with heavy hearts that we must

What we believe to be Pilgrim’s first lift in her lifetime happened at Tom’s Yard in Polruan in Cornwall this week. Conventional practice is to slip or beach Pilgrim when she needs maintenance below the waterline. Neither of those approaches are ideal for work to be done, especially if she is beached, as the tide

There’s no doubting it’s the festive season in Dartmouth. Pilgrim is lit up with 475 feet of Christmas cheer! Despite our sails being away for maintenance we’ve managed to mimic the sails to create a truly festive glow on the waterfront. Pilgrim has joined in the Candelit Dartmouth Festival which also marks the start of

Last weekend our Pilgrim volunteer crew training got started in Dartmouth in South Devon. Pilgrim relies on our volunteer community to keep her sailing. That’s not just with operations and maintenance that’s with crewing as well. We have a professional skipper and seasonal mate but the rest of the crew comes from our volunteer team

Seafood and Eat It – that’s our motto! Pilgrim has played her part in promoting the English Riviera as the UK’s ‘go to’ international seafood destination. We scheduled a special celebratory cruise over the weekend of 21st/22nd September to join in ‘England’s Seafood FEAST Festival’. Departure was from our home port of Brixham where more

On a lovely July day in Brixham, these folks decided to transfer from 2 wheels to 7 sails! Pilgrim was delighted to host a visit from Devon Advanced Motorcyclists. Apparently they produce an annual calendar. No, not that sort of calendar! Just one that highlights all the amazing places they get to on their biking

We are delighted to announce the appointment of the Pilgrim Foundation President and Vice President at the Annual General Meeting. The meeting took place at the Brixham Labboratory at Freshwater Quay in Brixham on Friday 19th July 2019. After nearly 20 years of ceaseless commitment to the restoration, preservation and operations of Pilgrim, Rod Coveney