at BRIXHAM YACHT CLUB THURSDAY 13th MARCH, food from 7:00 pm, shanties & fun from 7:30pm (2 sets of ~45 mins) Come along to Brixham Yacht Club for an evening of sea songs and shanties, with optional food available from 7pm for those in need of more than just grog to settle those vocal cords (oh yes, do expect to sing along!) Everybody welcome… Ticket price and raffle in support of the ‘Pilgrim Heritage Sailing Foundation’, a UK registered charity dedicated to preserving the Brixham Sailing Trawler Pilgrim BM45, and to keep her much loved red sails afloat in Torbay for future generations to enjoy. To book tickets and order food click the button ... Book here » The Brixham Pilgrims and Pilgrim Heritage Sailing Foundation thank the Brixham Yacht Club for hosting us
at BRIXHAM YACHT CLUB THURSDAY 13th MARCH, food from 7:00 pm, shanties & fun from 7:30pm (2 sets of ~45 mins) Come along to Brixham Yacht Club for an evening of sea songs and shanties, with optional food available from 7pm for those in need of more than just grog to settle those vocal